Event Cleaning Services

Because the Clean Vibes crew love what they do (seriously, we have ‘bin juice’ in our DNA!). They thrive on understanding their client partner requirements, making sure the event attendee experience is an enjoyable and comfortable experience. We supply everything from 240L bins, skips, compactors through to bin liners, mop&buckets, brooms, toilet paper and environmentally friendly chemicals.

Sustainable Event Cleaning Services

We clean everything from large outdoor festivals to boutique indoor events. And we provide all the infrastructure to complete the job. Whatever your budget is we have the sustainable solution.

Because the Clean Vibes crew love what they do (seriously, we have ‘bin juice’ in our DNA!). They thrive on understanding their client partner requirements, making sure the event attendee experience is an enjoyable and comfortable experience.
Andrew Macathur
Managing Director at Clean Vibes

See how we can help

Our process

How do we proceed ?

We provide high end cleaning & waste management services with a core consideration of sustainability, customer satisfaction all at very competitive rates.

Get in touch today!